Girilandio Cow
Girilandio is cross between elite Giri cows and excellent Holstein Friesian cows. So it is having characteristics of Holstein Friesian like docility, easy to manage, ability to sustain cold and early maternity and highest milk production in world.
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Saving money by Feeding Urea to dairy Cattle
Urea is form with thunderstorm in sky and poured down with rain water. In cow buffalo, goat digestion is microbial in rumen. So, they can utilize urea.
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Moringa (Sahajan)
Moringa in hindi called called Sahjan is a fodder tree. Fodder from, this plant increase milk production and growth of dairy cattle. It can provide 100 metric tonne of fodder per hectare.
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0 Milk is basic necessary of human being. However, in absence of agricultural land in big cities it has not been possible to keep dairy cow, goats and buffalo where is the cost of milk is double in villages.
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Parasite control in cattle
Parasite population differs considerably in various geographic zone. The many drugs can be combined to address the unique parasite challenge and treatment conditions of particular herd.
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Cow multiply by factor of 0.7 so, if you have 10 cows the probability is that you will get 7 calves per year. Out of these seven calves 3 or 4 will be male. So, you can expect 3 or 4 female calves per year. But this does not happen, practically because the mortality rate…
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Bloat in Cattle and Buffalo
In cattle and buffaloes bloat is very common cause of loss in dairy. When calf in born it has simple stomach like our stomach and digestion is enzymatic starch, protein and fats are easily digested but cellulose like wheat and paddy straw is not digested. After 5 month the ruminant start the digestion of cellulose,…
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In desi cow and buffalo reproduction is govern by photoperiod, means it is depend on day length. Cows breed during long days (Month of June) and buffalo breeding during short days Oct to Dec. However, exotic cow breed any time. The temperature, humidity day length and nutrition play important role. So it is complex phenomena….
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Housing of Holstein
Holstein is the cow of choice in India for milk production. In India it is gaining popularity as dairy cow.
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All about A1, A2 Beta Casein Milk
Protein is synthesized by genes. Genes are made up of bases Guanine, Cytosine, Thymine and Adenine. These basis code for a amino acid when amino acids are joined together they from protein.
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