Girilandio is cross between elite Giri cows and excellent Holstein Friesian cows. So it is having characteristics of Holstein Friesian like docility, easy to manage, ability to sustain cold and early maternity and highest milk production in world.
Because, it is combination of Giri so it has characteristics like heat tolerance disease resistance and the greatest quality is that it is tick free. Girilandio can scurvies at agricultural byproduct and local fodder without breeding or reproductive problem. The Girilandio semen is available from ABS India. You can enquire at Kurukshetra, Haryana, ABS headquarter, Babugarh, near Gaziabad and Solan, near Rai Bareily, in India. The picture of Holstein Frisian, Giri and Girilandio is given below. Girilandio is going to gain popularity in near future. You can contact Dr. Sanjeev Shrivatava at Gorkhpur, U.P. for supply of semen. His mobile number is 09838079935.

Girilandio from Internet
Human Development inside the Womb
Whenever you face challenges, just remember that it's not the first time.
Posted by Hashem Al-Ghaili on Wednesday, 19 July 2017