Indigenous cow-like, Giri, cow, Tharparker, and Kankrej are from the desert area of Rajasthan and Gujarat. In this desert area in the summers the temperature rises up to 50°C, and during winters the temperature touches 4 to 5 C. these animals can standby these temperatures because the humidity is very low and oxygen % in the atmosphere is 20%.
However, when these animals are brought to hot and humid areas like the eastern part of the country and some of the Himalayan range then they don’t perform well. In the sense that they do not breed well, and there is the problem of repeat breeding.
Tharparkar Cow
Kankrej Cow
The Sahiwal cow is not from the dessert area it belongs to the Sahiwal district from Pakistan which is very close to Amritsar. These Sahiwal cows show definite seasonality meaning thereby they breed only in the long days.
However, these cows have a repeat breeding problem because of the severe cervicitis and prolapse of the vagina in non-pregnant cows.
The red Sindhi cows seem to breed well in the hot and humid climate of eastern India, and Uttarakhand. The repeat breeding problem is also due to the lack of mineral and vitamin in their nutritional care as the owner of the cow is very poor. Giri cow has been taken to Jharkhand and Orissa and their reproduction is not very satisfactory there.
Giri cow survives well in Junagarh and Rajasthan, the repeat breeding problem of the Giri cow is also due to the silent estrus in this field. However, with the use of assistive reproductive technology and proper nutrition, they may be an advantage to the poor farmer.
The newcomer in opening dairy should talk to the dairy farmers maintaining these breeds and they should also concern the livestock development board of the state.
For example in Uttarakhand Giri and Sahiwal do not fall under the state breeding policy in Uttarakhand only the Red Sindhis are recommended.
Wherever the breeds are kept in natural service condition by maintaining a bull have no problems. The ABS India is also supplying semen of Sahiwal, Giri and Red Sindhi, this semen seems to overcome the problem of repeat breeding.