
What is Bulk Milk Cooler
If you have a dairy farm and getting a good yield from it, there might be a problem you will face is of storage of milk. BMC or Bulk Milk Cooler is equipment made to store dairy milk.
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Multiple Ovulation and Embryo Transfer in Cattle
Multiple Ovulation and Embryo Transfer in Cattle Form high milk-producing cow in a lifetime calving get 5 or 6 calves. At the onset of estrus or heat cycle under the influence of follicular stimulating hormone, only one ovum is mature, as such the cow gives one calf. However, if a higher dose of FSH (Follicular…
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Pour on is a product of MSD company and many other companies are making it has to be poured on the backbone of animal there is no need to inject it. It takes care of flies mosquitos lies, mites and ticks. It spreads over the body of an animal, and it remains there for 48…
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100 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on Dairy Animals PART – 2
Difference between cheese and curd? Curd is formed by microbial growth, in this case a lactose is broken down into lactic acid, and this reaction takes place at 37°C. Whereas, cheese making is enzymatic reaction, the movement enzyme rennin is added to the milk is curdled. It takes few minute then the curdle milk is…
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डेयरी के असफल होने के कारण
जब तक हम 3 या 4 गाय या भैंस से 20 से 25 लीटर दूध पैदा करते है और पशुओं की देखभाल भी स्वयं करते है अर्थात लेबर पर निर्भर नहीं होते है तब तक डेयरी का व्यवसाय अधिक लाभकारी दिखाई देता है लेकिन जैसे ही हम 100 से 200 लीटर दूध पैदा करने की…
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By making Silage, we can harvest all the crops in one day. Silage may be made by the landed farmer. If the landed farmer is cultivating maize on his own land then he has to invest in seed irrigation and fertilizer including labour cost all this accounts for Rs. 2000/- per Acer and in two…
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डेयरी खोलने के लिए दुग्ध पषुओं का चयन
डेयरी खोलने में भैस के लिए मुर्रा भैंस रखी जाती है। लेकिन गाय की डेयरी खोलने में यह प्रश्न उठता है कि देशी गाय रखे या विदेशी गाय रखें। दूध देने वाली देशी गायों में प्रमुख जातियां साहिवाल, गिरि, थरपारकर, हरियाणा एवं कंकरेज गाय है। लेकिन साहिवाल गाय तथा गिरि गाय अधिक ख्याति प्राप्त कर…
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Udder of cow is for formation of milk. The external and microscopic structure of cow is given below. The alveoli shown above is unit of milk formation. 10-100 alveoli are at one place. A alveoli is surrounded by blood capillaries. The milk nutrient are passed from capillary to alveolar cells. The alveolar cells pass nutrient…
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Here I am discussing some popular breeds of Cows and Buffalo in India, about their habitat and special features, food requirements etc.
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How to solve labor problem in dairy farms. (Follow the following Ideas) Use milking machines Keep cows in open housing system Feed silage Give ready made pelleted cattle feed Keep bulk milk cooler and sell milk at one time Use cream separator for left over milk Feed calves with milk bottle When the calves at…
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