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Author: admin

Tuesday / Mar 01, 2022 /

Use of Sexed Semen in Dairy Animals

admin / Cattle Reproduction /

Use of Sexed Semen in Dairy Animals >Cattle Reproductio Use of Sexed Semen in Dairy Animals Introduction The sperm concentration in cow semen is 200 to 2000 million sperms per ml and bull gives 5 to 10 ml of semen and for artificial insemination we need 15 million spermatozoa. So from one ejaculate we can…

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Tuesday / Mar 01, 2022 /

Estrus and Anestrus in Cattle and Buffalo

admin / Cattle Reproduction /

Induction of oestrus in buffalo heifer using progesterone Oestrus can be induced in buffalo heifer in the breeding season, by injecting a single dose of 11-hydroxy-progesterone available in the market. After injecting progesterone the buffalo heifer exhibits heat within a week. But do not inseminate in the first heat because there will be no conception….

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Tuesday / Mar 01, 2022 /

Reproductive Hormones

admin / Cattle Reproduction /

Introduction The reproductive hormones are produced from the pituitary gland at the base of hypothalamus once the heifer is mature at the age of 15-16 months the hypothalamus succeeds releasing factor, which is known as GnRH, of which synthetic version is available in the market by the name of Receptal. This one releasing factor releases…

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Tuesday / Mar 01, 2022 /

Pregnancy Diagnosis in Cattle

admin / Cattle Reproduction /

It is very important to diagnose the pregnancy status of your animals at 35 to 40 days of insemination because 30% of the pregnant animals come in heat so if pregnancy is confirmed at 35 days then there is no need to go for insemination. The false expression of heat is also a cause of…

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Tuesday / Mar 01, 2022 /

History of Babesia

admin / Cattle Disease /

In 1888 Victor Babeș first identified the causative agent in Romania and believed it to be due to the bacterium he named Haematococcus bovis. He documented the disease by describing signs of a severe hemolytic illness seen uniquely in cattle and sheep. In 1893, Americans Theobald Smith and Fred Kilborne identified the parasite as the…

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Tuesday / Mar 01, 2022 /

What are the Vitamins, Minerals and Hormones?

admin / Cattle Nutrition /

Vitamins Vitamins are catalysts. These catalysts are enhancing the rate of reaction, and they are initiating reactions. Water-soluble vitamins are B Complex and Vitamin C. Fat-soluble vitamins are A, D, E, and K. Rumen bacteria produces the B Complex vitamins and Vitamin K. Minerals Minerals are macro and microelements, macro minerals like calcium, and phosphorus…

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Tuesday / Mar 01, 2022 /

Why Goat Milk Considered Superior to Buffalo Milk

admin / Cattle Nutrition /

Introduction Goat is the first livestock to be domesticated. It gives milk, hide, meat and hide. The milk is the best milk because the fat globules found in goat milk are smallest of the all milk. The Fat globules size is next to the size of human milk. The cow milk fat globule size is…

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Tuesday / Mar 01, 2022 /

Importance of Minerals in Repeat Breeding

admin / Cattle Reproduction /

Introduction Minerals are essential requirement of cow. However, the deficiency of minerals can cause many disease and can rise to many complications in cow. High yielding exotic cows need the proper amount of macro and micro minerals for their optimum production and reproduction. The availability of the minerals by vitamins and mineral mixture is shown…

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Tuesday / Mar 01, 2022 /

Tools for Treating Repeat Breeding

admin / Cattle Reproduction /

MOET technology (Multiple Ovulation Embryo Transfer Technology) IVF (In-vitro Fertilization) Cloning Introduction In pig and dog there is a multiple ovulation and number of piglet and pups are too many. Whereas in man and cow there is a single ovulation. Only one ovulating cell ovulates however by injecting increasing quantity of follicular stimulating hormone available…

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Tuesday / Mar 01, 2022 /

Repeat Breeding and Pandemic

admin / Cattle Reproduction /

Introduction Till 70’s the milk has not been sold from villages, but now due to huge processing plants, milk is being sold. The milk production has become a big enterprise. To increase the milk production exotic breeds like Jersey and Holstein are being maintained. The sexed semen of these two breeds has meant fast replacement…

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